Wellness Centers

All 4 Youth partnership received MHSSA and SBHIP funding to establish 13 Wellness centers throughout Fresno County school campuses. Fresno County Superintendent of Schools and Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health aspire to address and further expand efforts to encourage comprehensive self-care through promoting wellness at Centers where youth, families, and school staff can learn to connect, improve health and well-being, find fulfillment, and access natural resources and supports. The goal of these resources and linkage is to prevent mental illness from becoming severe and disabling. The Centers will be at target locations throughout the county to address regional needs and increase access to a large space to accommodate meetings and trainings for schools, community groups, families, and youth.

If you are interested in submitting a Wellness Center Referral click here.


Image of Tarpey Elementary Wellness Center

Tarpey Elementary

2700 Minnewawa Ave. 
Clovis, CA 93612

Image of Riverdale Wellness Center

Riverdale High School

3086 W. Mt. Whitney Ave.
Riverdale, CA 93565

Image of Fowler Wellness Center

Fowler High School

940 E. Walter Ave.
Fowler, CA 93625

VHEA Wellness Center

Violet Heintz Education Academy

4939 E. Yale Ave.
Fresno, CA 93727

Golden Plains Wellness Center Front

San Joaquin Elementary

21990 Nevada  Ave.
San Joaquin, CA 93660